Las plantas y la luz en los Invernaderos hidropónicos
RFA y curva de respuesta de las plantas Al igual que los seres humanos necesitamos una alimentación balanceada, las plantas necesitan luz balanceada de espectro
RFA y curva de respuesta de las plantas Al igual que los seres humanos necesitamos una alimentación balanceada, las plantas necesitan luz balanceada de espectro
Light The main source of light on Earth is the Sun. Sunlight provides the energy that green plants use to create sugars mostly in the
Followed by a significant R&D efforts, production and field trails, Politiv launched in 2015 a new revolutionary line of hydroponic films – Diamond®. Its main features are:
Solar radiation and its effect Solar radiation reaches the earth as a wide spectrum, 250 nm – 2800 nm. As can be seen in the
PAR and Plant Response Curve Just as humans need a balanced diet, plants need balanced, full-spectrum light for good health and optimum growth. The quality
Diamond films PAR and Plant Response Curve Plants need balanced, full-spectrum light for good health and optimum growth. The quality of light a plant receives