The FRUIT LOGISTICA Trade Show in Berlin, Germany
Politiv and its international subsidiaries exhibited at the FRUIT LOGISTICA trade show in Berlin, Germany on February 6 to 8, 2019. This is an annual trade show where over 3,000 companies and distributors exhibit – from multinational corporations to small and medium companies and organizations all over the world.
Customer conference - Almería, Spain
On December 18, 2018, a seminar was held for Politiv Europe’s sales personnel and for senior distributors in the Almería region of Spain. The first half of the seminar consisted of a lecture from a guest speaker on marketing. The second half was dedicated to a talk by Ahed Wattad, the company technologist, entitled “New Developments in Agricultural Films”.
Spreading Instructions for IR Films
IR films containing anti-fog additives (drip-preventive additives) are manufactured in multifilm machines. this is done due to the unique composition of each film, where each film fulfills a different function. Studies have shown that when an IR film is installed correctly, it expedites the crop’s growth rate and yields a larger crop than a film not containing these additives.
La Expo AgroAlimentaria Guanajuato es un evento desarrollado en Irapuato, Guanajuato, desde 1996, considerando su vocación Agrícola; Hortícola, Agro Industrial enfocado a realizar contacto de negocios entre empresas del giro agrícola y compradores del mismo ramo. Es un encuentro basado en la oferta de insumos, tecnología agrícola y agroindustrial por parte de las empresas expositoras y la demanda de información para conocer lo más novedoso en sistemas de producción agrícola y comercialización de productos que requieren los visitantes agrícolas.